Sunday, November 18, 2012

Money, money, money...

I'm saving it like crazy so I can have a nice birthday/Christmas... next year. lol Unfortunately, I had to pay off a loan with the money I was saving for Christmas this year (I still have a little bit, just not as much as I was planning on to buy myself something really nice). I've been adding stuff to my Amazon wish list (some of it I can get at brick-and-mortar stores, but it's always nice to have a list of what I want), and it's like a few thousand dollars, all told.

I'm really hoping that I can find a place to move to (I'll really have to do some thinking and praying and talking to my friend about moving in with her... there's a big reason she needs to move out of her current house and wants me to be her roomie. Let's say personal safety issues.)  So, yeah, I have to save money for when/if I move, but why not save up to get some nice stuff, too? I really need a new laptop... the one I have now is like four or five years old, and I have so much stuff on it that it freezes/crashes (I may have a virus, too... really need to get Norton reinstalled!!!), so a new one would be nice.

Some of the "big ticket" stuff I'd like are the laptop, an iPod and iPad, a Kindle Fire, a printer... luxuries, but things I'll use. The other stuff I want is CDs/DVDs, books, things like that. (Although why buy "real" books if I also have a Kindle... hmmm... ;-))

Well, as of right now, all this is just harmless fantasizing (but fantasizing never hurt anyone, right?), although I'm beginning to save every penny (dime, nickel, quarter) I can. Hopefully I can make some of those fantasies reality over the course of the new year...

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