Saturday, January 26, 2013

Just read an article

"Roe vs Wade Gives Mortal Man the Legal Right to Commit Murder"

It's by Charlie Daniels (yes, that Charlie Daniels), and I have to say that I agree. I'm conservative enough to believe in the sanctity of life, but liberal enough that I know it's not my place to tell others that they must believe as I do or what they can and cannot do with their own bodies. I once heard someone refer to a fetus as a "parasite" (which technically it is, as all unborn creatures are -- they feed off their "hosts", i.e. their mothers), and I was horrified. Technically speaking or not, that "parasite" is a living being that nine months after it begins "feeding" on its "host" is able to live outside its mother's body.

When does life begin? A lot of people, religious and not, believe that life begins at conception, when the cells begin dividing. I, obviously, agree (although the Bible verse Mr. Daniels quoted seems to indicate that "life", at least spiritually, begins even before that.)

Mr. Daniels also posed a question that I've been asking ever since the Scott Peterson case (as you may recall, Peterson was sentenced to death for the murders of his wife, Lacey, and their unborn son, Connor). The question he asks is, "How can a court that upholds abortion consider the slaying of a pregnant woman a double murder?" I've asked that question myself, and have received no answer. Possibly because, as Mr. Daniels noted, it makes no sense. Is a baby only a baby (as opposed to a "fetus" or a "pregnancy" or whatever else you want to call it to make yourself feel better about taking a human life) when it's wanted? That makes no sense, either (at least to me). If someone who wholeheartedly believes that an unborn child is a "parasite", or simply a blob of tissue reads this, could you please explain it to me? I would like to know. I welcome any and all comments, even if you decide to bash me for my beliefs. They're strong enough that they won't be changed just because someone disagrees with me.

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